Thursday, March 5, 2020

All About The Linkedin Professional Network

All About The Linkedin Professional Network  The Best Professional Network Online ChaptersHow To Register With LinkedinHow Can You Find A Job With Linkedin?Top Tips For Professional Social NetworkingHow To Post A Job On LinkedIn Job BoardsLinkedIn gives you the chance to show yourself off professionally to the world. Not only in your best light but also to express yourself, establish yourself as a leader in your industry and add some personality to your profile.Linked In allows you to network with like-minded individuals, you can use it to:do Job search for Vacancies,find jobs with full time or part time contracts,to be headhunted,to use your recruiting services to help the job seeker,to share and engage with industry professionals,to find highly exclusive jobs,to engage customers and clients,to read industry informationnot to mention getting your foot in the door at some of the top companies in the world with the use of your network.The LinkedIn corporation can be your ally as you build your professional career, your knowledge and experience. Let's take a look at how to get started on Linkedin and how you can use the social platform.Do Job search for Vacancies. Photo Source: UnsplashDownload your free LinkedIn QR code and share it everywhere. You can also do the same with your profile link. Try adding it to your email signature, printing it onto your CV, add to business cards or websites etc.Tell people that you are looking for work and what kind of work you are looking for.Publish a piece of content every week and share a piece of relevant content every weekJoin industry groups and care about others by answering questions, offer help and support.Get recommendations and endorsements from people who know youTop Tips For Professional Social NetworkingWhen you meet with someone face to face it is much easier to build rapport because you can see the person. Small physical clues tell you how the meeting is going. If they laugh, you know that they are enjoying the conversation if they frown perhaps they are not enjoying it.However, when networkin g online, it can be very challenging to read the verbal clues from the people that you are communicating with. This becomes even more critical when you consider that the people that you are talking with could be your clients, recruiters, employers or even customers.Whenever you communicate you give small clues as to what you are comfortable with or how you feel. Body language which is your facial expressions, the way you move your body, and how you speak them. While body language is useless to help you with online networking. The words that people use can serve as clues to help you build positive rapport.Online Etiquette For Professional NetworkingSo how can you use online etiquette to give you a head start and become a strong and engaging communicator? Let's take a lookMatch the way that you write with the other person. Always begin more formally to avoid offending the person or appearing unprofessional. For example, if you receive an email with ‘Dear John’, you should reply us ing their first name in your reply. However, if they use a more formal ‘Dear Mr Smith’, then you should respond in the same manner.We often feel like we have a rapport with people who are like us or think like us. In this case, you should read something that the person that you are contacting has written and purposefully use language that is in line with theirs. Also, you can quote them or agree with a point that they have made. This is equivalent to a professional complement and will help the recruiter feel like you are attentive and focused on the communication.Share exciting news or content with the person you are talking to in bite-sized pieces and see what they connect to and talk about most.Having proper online etiquette and the ability to build rapport with people is the key to making connections with people who might be able to support you in achieving your goals.Remember the people that you are talking with could be your clients, recruiters, employers or even customers. Photo Source: UnsplashHow To Post A Job On LinkedIn Job BoardsIf already have your dream job but need a workforce of qualified staff to help with the continued success of your company. LinkedIn has an unlimited supply of talented individuals just waiting to meet you. Here is one way that you can find them using LinkedIn:Set up your personal profile.Create the company page, This will be the page candidates visit to learn about your company.To create a job, you will click the briefcase icon. Following the prompts, LinkedIn will give you’re a rough idea of how many people could be interested in the role base on the job title you have entered.Next, you need to take the time to create a job description. It's worth taking your time with this and adding as much information as possible about the job.The last step is to decide how job applicants will apply to the job listing, set the budget and checkout.Whether you are looking for job opportunities, to offer recruitment services to the ap plicant or a company, searching for new customers or just building your network.LinkedIn for business or for your career is one of the best places for you to focus your energy.With the right strategies in place, LinkedIn can be a gold mine for your career and business. Not to mention that while you are using the social media platform, you are also building up a strong network and establishing yourself as a knowledgeable person in your field. So put down your boring paper CV and sign up for a powerful digital one. Good Luck!

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